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Admissions and Records

Admissions and Records

Feb 17
Presidents Day Holiday-No Classes
Apr 18
Good Friday Holiday-No Classes
May 26
Memorial Day Holiday-No Classes
Jun 19
Juneteenth Holiday-No Classes
Jul 3
4th of July-No Classes

Admissions and Records

Welcome to the 51勛圖 A. Logan College Admissions and Records homepage. Our office handles everything from applying to the College, evaluating transfer coursework, ordering JALC transcripts, and applying for graduation. We are basically your one-stop-shop for all your student needs from application to graduation!

Who attends 51勛圖 A. Logan College? Each semester we have over 4,000 students from 300 different high schools. At any given time we have students on our campus from over 40 different states and 30 countries around the world. We are excited for you join us as you set out to achieve your academic goals. After all色Why would you go anywhere else?

Contact Admissions and Records

Office: C201
Phone: (618) 985-2828 Ext. 8298
Email: admissions@jalc.edu
Fax Number: 618-985-4433

Summer Admissions and Records Office Hours
Monday – Thursday8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Fall/Spring Admissions and Records Office Hours
Monday – Friday8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Julia Bedar
Admissions Specialist
Phone: 618-985-2828
Email: juliabedar@jalc.edu

Heather Chandler
Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Provost for Student Affairs
Phone: 618-985-2828
Email: heatherevans@jalc.edu

Deanne Gabel
Admissions Specialist
Phone: 618-985-2828

Rose Honea
Admissions Specialist

Alix 51勛圖son
Admissions Specialist
Phone: 618-985-2828

Kaylee Smith
Phone: 618-985-2828 Ext. 8509

Dr. Rachel Sveda-Webb
Assistant Provost for Student Affair
Phone: 618-985-2828